EC2(Elastic Cloud Compute) Deep Dive: Understanding the basics

EC2(Elastic Cloud Compute) Deep Dive: Understanding the basics


Amazon EC2 is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows users to launch and manage virtual servers, known as instances, in the cloud. These instances serve as virtualized computing environments that can run various operating systems and applications.

When a client requests an EC2 instance through the AWS Management Console, API, or CLI, AWS provisions the requested instance on the backend infrastructure. This provisioning process involves allocating resources such as CPU, memory, storage, and network bandwidth to the instance.

The EC2 instances run on top of physical host machines in AWS data centers, utilizing virtualization technology such as hypervisors. This allows multiple EC2 instances to share the underlying physical hardware while remaining isolated from each other.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) supports a diverse range of operating systems, providing users with flexibility and choice to run their applications on the platform that best suits their needs. They include Linux distributions like Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and Windows, MAC.

What is an Instance?

In AWS, an instance refers to a virtual server that is provisioned and managed within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service. An instance is essentially a virtual machine (VM) running in the cloud, providing compute capacity to run applications, host websites, process data, and more.

Types of Instances

General Purpose:

General purpose instances offer a balanced mix of computing, memory, and networking resources. This makes them well-suited for applications that require a moderate amount of each resource, such as web servers, development environments, and enterprise applications.

These instances are suitable for a variety of workloads, including web hosting, mobile app development, gaming environments, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM) systems. They provide the flexibility to support diverse application requirements.

Depending on the workload and performance requirements, users can choose between fixed or burstable general-purpose instances.

Compute Optimized:

Compute-optimized instances in AWS are designed to deliver high-performance computing power, making them ideal for compute-intensive workloads. They are equipped with processors optimized for high computing performance. These instances feature powerful CPUs with multiple cores and high clock speeds, allowing them to efficiently handle demanding computational tasks.

Despite their high computing power, compute-optimized instances are priced competitively, offering cost-effective performance for compute-intensive workloads. They are commonly used in applications that benefit from high computing power, such as web servers, scientific modeling, simulation, and data analytics. These instances excel at tasks that require intensive data processing, mathematical calculations, and parallel computing.

Memory Optimized:

Memory-optimized instances in AWS are specifically designed to handle memory-intensive workloads that require fast access to large datasets. They are equipped with a large amount of RAM (Random Access Memory), providing ample memory capacity to accommodate and process large datasets efficiently.

With their high memory capacity, memory-optimized instances enable fast access to data stored in memory, resulting in improved performance for memory-bound workloads. This makes them well-suited for applications that rely on rapid data retrieval and manipulation, such as Big Data analytics, in-memory databases, and caching systems.

Accelerated Computing:

Accelerated Computing instances in AWS leverage additional hardware accelerators such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to boost performance in compute-intensive applications. They come with specialized hardware accelerators, such as GPUs or FPGAs, which are designed to offload and accelerate specific computational tasks. These accelerators provide additional computing power and parallel processing capabilities to handle demanding workloads more efficiently.

Accelerated Computing instances are well-suited for a variety of compute-intensive applications, including graphics applications, machine learning training and inference, data analytics, high-performance computing (HPC), rendering, video transcoding, genomics sequencing, and financial modeling.

Storage Optimized:

Storage-optimized instances in AWS are tailored to meet the high storage requirements of applications, particularly those with sequential read-and-write workloads such as log processing.

They are optimized to deliver high throughput and low latency for sequential I/O operations, enabling efficient data processing and analysis. These are commonly used in applications that rely on large-scale data storage and processing, such as data warehousing, log processing, content delivery, media streaming, and batch processing.

EC2 Instance Lifecycle


It refers to the process of allocating and configuring the necessary computing resources for an instance or service to function properly. When a developer launches an instance in AWS, the cloud provider allocates the required compute resources, including CPU, memory, storage, and networking resources to the instance. When developers launch a provisioned instance, it goes into a pending stage.


Once the instance transitions to the running state, it becomes actively deployed and available for use in the cloud environment. Developers can deploy various workloads, including containerized applications, onto these running instances to execute specific tasks or services. These workloads can range from web servers and databases to data processing jobs and machine learning models.

It's important to note that from the moment an instance starts running, developers are billed for the resources it consumes.


When a developer initiates the stop command for an instance, it enters the stopping stage. During this stage, the instance begins the shutdown process, gracefully terminating any running processes and closing active connections. While the instance is in the stopping stage, developers have the ability to modify its settings and configurations.

Once the instance has completed the shutdown process, it enters the stopped stage. In this stage, the instance is completely halted, and all associated resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage, are released.


When an instance is marked for termination, the cloud platform begins the process of shutting down and removing the instance. Upon successful termination, the capacity previously occupied by the instance is released, making it available for use by other instances or services within the cloud environment.

Termination results in the permanent removal of the instance and its associated resources from the cloud environment.

Termination plays a crucial role in managing cloud resources effectively, allowing users to decommission instances when they are no longer needed or have reached the end of their lifecycle.

Features of an Instance

  1. Scalability: EC2 instances can be easily scaled up or down to handle changes in workload demand. Users can dynamically adjust the number and size of instances to match changing compute requirements, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.

  2. Pay-Per-Use Pricing: EC2 instances follow a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where users only pay for the compute capacity they consume on an hourly or per-second basis. This provides cost-effectiveness and flexibility, as users are not locked into long-term contracts or upfront commitments.

  3. High Availability: High availability of an Amazon EC2 instance refers to ensuring that the instance remains accessible and operational for an extended period with minimal downtime. Achieving high availability involves designing and implementing a resilient architecture that can withstand failures and disruptions.

  4. Fault-Tolerant Architectures: Design fault-tolerant architectures using redundant components, such as multiple EC2 instances, databases, and storage systems. Implementing redundant components helps minimize the impact of failures and ensures continuous availability of services.

  5. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Implement backup and disaster recovery strategies to protect against data loss and service interruptions. Regularly back up critical data and replicate it to geographically distributed locations for redundancy and resilience.


  1. Free tier: The EC2 Free Tier typically provides free usage for the first 12 months after signing up for an AWS account. During this period, eligible users can access a limited amount of resources without incurring charges.

  2. On-Demand: With EC2 On-Demand pricing, users have the freedom to choose any instance type and size that best suits their specific workload requirements. Users pay only for the compute capacity they consume, on an hourly or per-second basis, depending on the instance type. On-Demand instances may have a slightly higher hourly rate compared to Reserved Instances or Savings Plans.

  3. Savings Plan: With a one- or three-year EC2 Savings Plan, users can save up to 72% off regular On-Demand pricing. This substantial discount makes Savings Plans an attractive option for users looking to reduce their AWS expenses. This allows users to switch between EC2 instance types and operating systems during the contract period. Best suited for workloads with consistent and predictable usage patterns.

  4. Reserved Instances: By committing to consistent usage over one or three years, users can save up to 72% compared to On-Demand prices with EC2 Reserved Instances. One of the primary advantages of Reserved Instances is the ability to reserve capacity in a specific Availability Zone (AZ). AWS offers various payment options for Reserved Instances, including All Upfront, Partial Upfront, and No Upfront payment options.

  5. Spot Instances: EC2 Spot pricing is by far the cheapest, saving you up to 90% off standard pricing. They are not fixed; instead, they are determined through a dynamic bidding process based on market demand across different AWS Availability Zones. Users can specify a bid price, and Spot Instances are only allocated when the bid price exceeds the current Spot Price. They are well-suited for fault-tolerant and flexible workloads that can tolerate interruptions.

  6. Dedicated Hosts: It provides users with access to isolated physical servers within the AWS infrastructure. Unlike traditional EC2 instances that share hardware resources with other instances, Dedicated Hosts offer dedicated hardware for exclusive use by a single customer. With Dedicated Hosts, users have full control and visibility over the underlying physical servers. Well-suited for users who require compliance with specific software licensing requirements.

As we wrap up our exploration of EC2, remember that the possibilities are endless when you harness the power of AWS's Elastic Compute Cloud.

Happy Cloud Computing!!